(Planned) December Viewing – Anime Edition

While I was banging through the shows at the beginning of the month my re-subscription to World of Warcraft half way through November more or less fucked my viewing plans (and all other plans I had). So I didnt mange to get through a lot of the stuff from the last entry. God I wish I could say it was because I was busy with Nanowrimo as opposed to World of Warcraft, but thats a topic for a different entry. Considering Cataclysm is out in less than forty eight hours I imagine this month will be even worse. Still some kind of plan is better than none at all. Continue reading…

Best of 2009 – Anime (Yes it is super overdue) (But its full of links)

I get the feeling that I’ve somehow forgotten a large amount of the stuff I’ve watched this year as I feel that I’ve watched a fuckton of anime but when it came time to compile a list it was a real struggle to come up with ten. Of course when I did put together a list it became difficult to select just ten titles as I watched a lot of quality stuff this year. Continue reading…