Mick vs The Marvel Universe – 01 – Shots fired

I wrote the first draft of this back in 2014 and then updated it in 2016. But both times I never actually followed through. Will I this time? Who knows. I will at least post it this time at least.

I havent read American comics in quite some time. Specifically since March 2011, so eleven years. But recent reading around comics as well as someone asking me for recommendations on what Marvel comics to read has got me interested in diving back into them.

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Resonance and resurrection Or The things I’ll do for fifty quid

So if you’ve been following me on social media, which shouldn’t be hard as I’m consciously trying to reign in my use of it, you may have seen me waxing lyrical on my urge to buy Resonance of Fate HD. Basically the crux of my issue being that I don’t want to pay full price for a remaster of a game I’ve already played and which I think will hit deep discount in a month or two. Last Thursday the irresistible voice of my inner child finally broke me and I have in to “I want it now!” Setting the game to download I went to bed.
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