The trials and tribulations of book buying

Nearly two months ago I decided to complete my collection of Excel Saga which I’d been buying random volumes off every now and then as I’d heard very good things about it but never really fancied giving it a serious read. So I hunted down the volumes I was missing and ordered them. Eventually over the next month or so all of them arrived. I was only missing volume two and thirteen. I emailed the seller who said they couldnt/wouldnt do anything until forty-five business days had elapsed. Volume two eventually arrived but volume thirteen never did. I gave it an extra day or two to arrive and a full fifty days after I ordered it I got a refund for it. I waited before ordering a replacement copy. Till this bank holiday Monday evening in fact. So of course volume thirteen arrived in the post the next morning. Fair enough, it happens, it was an inconvenience but it just meant I had to send back the replacement. Continue reading…