In search of a clever title – 01 – 13/04/15 – 19/04/15

I honestly couldn’t think of a snappy title, which I wanted, for this (hopefully series of) post(s). So I fell back on the old reliable “ironically self depreciating” brand of “humour” so loved by ersatz comedians the world over. So what is this? Well after deciding to take forty days “off” from my biggest sources of online procrastination the amount of posts on my blog for 2015 showed something like a 500% increase. Clearly posting on social media platforms and various forums was working as a relief valve of sorts for whatever random thoughts flowed through me from the great beyond. (Apprently one of those thoughts was the incorrect idea I mastered how to queue stuff to post automatically, a day late and a doller short here we are) Continue reading…

Man Vs Belly – Fatchelor Life (I get up when I want)

A little over a year ago I wrote the following, “I don’t want to shock you gentle reader, but I’m overweight. Not as overweight as I was in the past but nowhere near my “proper” weight either. Over the years I’ve tried various diets and eating plans, with the results ranging from excellent to disastrous.” It mildly saddens me to say that this statement still holds true today. Though again, a little less than when I wrote it. Back at the beginning of March I entered into a diet pact with someone. Nothing outrageous, we’d try to lose two pounds a week from the first week in March till the last week in June, specifically June 26th (the significance of that date should of course be obvious to our more devoted readers). Continue reading…